Our Services


The AI hardware market is still nascent, and the only materials to explain performance of various AI hardware options are the marketing materials of the companies themselves. You can't rely on these for your project because more often than not, real world implementations don't see the stated performance promised by these vendors. We have deep expertise across multiple AI hardware platforms, and can help you quickly test your model against multiple targets to benchmark performance and determine the best fit.

Design Consulting

Many of the new AI accelerators have custom instruction sets and features not commonly found in CPUs or GPUs. Designing these into your system or use case can be a challenge. Our engineers have worked with these systems and can help you understand the tradeoffs you make by choosing one vendor over another.


Most of the companies arising as GPU competitors have proprietary software stacks and limited communities at this early point in the market. If you are designing one of these chips into your system, you can leverage our expertise to help.  Our engineers have worked with all the major AI hardware companies and understand the nuances and tradeoffs of the various chip providers and their tool chains to get your model onto their hardware.

Contact us

Neurometric provides engineering consulting services for AI hardware. We can work with CPUs, GPUs, and have unique and rare expertise in many of the new and novel AI hardware chips. If you are looking to benchmark your model against various types of compute, need help designing a new AI chip into your device, or want help implementing AI hardware in a new project, please fill out this form, or give us a call.

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